BCIU is pleased to announce that it has entered into a memorandum of agreement (MOA) with the International Trade Administration (ITA) at the U.S. Department of Commerce.

BCIU shares ITA’s interest in promoting the competitiveness of U.S. industry, helping businesses increase exports to foreign markets and improving the global business environment. Based on this mutual interest, the partnership will work to advance ITA’s mission to enhance U.S. global competitiveness.

“As more U.S. businesses look to foreign markets, we are delighted to partner with the Business Council for International Understanding [BCIU],” says Arun Venkataraman, Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Global Markets and Director General of the U.S. & Foreign Commercial Service at ITA. “It is a natural addition to ITA’s Strategic Partnership program given our shared commitment to the expansion of international trade. We look forward to increased collaboration around our shared priorities.”

The MOA was signed by Venkatarman and Caitlin Noone, Chief Operating Officer at BCIU, on May 9, 2024, at the U.S. Commercial Service office in New York.

“BCIU has a longstanding history with the Department of Commerce,” says Noone. “This partnership represents an exciting evolution of our relationship, offering our members enhanced access and understanding of how to best engage with the U.S. government and obtain valuable resources to forge connections and drive U.S. competitiveness.”

The Power of Partnerships

BCIU believes that the expansion of trade, commerce, and people-to-people relationships enables businesses and governments to thrive and society to flourish. Collaboration with ITA is a natural fit, as the organization works to improve the global business environment and helps U.S. organizations compete at home and abroad.

“At BCIU, we recognize the pivotal role partnerships play in advancing trade and commerce,” says Noone. “Our work with ITA underscores our shared dedication to promoting economic prosperity through cross-border cooperation.”

The purpose of the partnership is to support activities that facilitate international trade and commerce; educate the public about the economic benefits of trade; enhance awareness of ITA and other government resources available to U.S. companies and foreign investors; and encourage U.S. businesses interested in exporting — and foreign businesses interested in investing in the United States — to seek the assistance of ITA.

“Through this partnership, BCIU aims to amplify awareness of ITA’s invaluable resources and services among our extensive network of stakeholders,” says Noone. “Together, we will work to equip members and leaders with the knowledge and support they need to thrive in the global marketplace.”

Collaboration Goals

The collaboration is intended to include a variety of planned initiatives and goals, including:

– Training: BCIU will leverage the expertise of its staff, members and stakeholders to keep ITA personnel up-to-date about relevant industry and regional developments. This information will also help ITA better support U.S. exporters in relevant industries and regions, such as in aerospace and defense, ICT and climate, among others.

– Exchange of Knowledge and Expertise: BCIU and ITA will foster dialogue and collaboration among their staffs. This includes speaking engagements and in-person events, as well as making introductions between ITA leaders and BCIU regional leads who may collaborate on other activities to help U.S. firms grow their businesses through exports or attract foreign investment.

– Outreach and Raising Awareness: BCIU will promote and encourage stakeholders to utilize ITA services and participate in ITA signature events (such as Discover Global Markets, Trade Winds, select USA and trade missions) and will include ITA events in its weekly program calendar.

For questions or more information about the MOA, please contact Michael Waring at mwaring@bciu.org.

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