
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, considering issues of diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) is a must for any global company. By region, the picture of diversity may look different, and the immediate challenges will be unique. Aligning with equity to promote fairness is the backbone of trust-building, and a commitment to inclusion – so that people with different perspectives have a seat and voice at the table – is the mark of allyship. Global companies should demonstrate a responsibility to DEI in their makeup and strategic vision, and BCIU is dedicated to assisting them on that journey. BCIU is committed to DEI internally as well, by ensuring the experts, advisors and educators that constitute our organization represent the diversity that we call for and understand the challenges and advantages of developing a comprehensive DEI strategy.



Contact Us

If you are interested in partnering with us on public or private sector DEI initiatives,

please contact Nina Kundra at